Moscow, Russia, +7(495) 232-39-68

Article 1320. A Performance Created in the Line of Duty The rights to a performance that has been created by a performer in the line of duty, including the rights to a joint performance created in this line are subject to the rules of Article 1295 of the present Code respectively.

Article 1321. The Effect of the Exclusive Right to a Performance on the Territory of the Russian Federation The exclusive right to a performance is effective on the territory of the Russian Federation if: the performer is a citizen of the Russian Federation; the first performance took place on the territory of the Russian Federation; the performance is fixed as a sound recording protected in accordance with the provisions of Article 1328 of the present Code; the performance that has not been fixed as a sound recording in included in a broadcast or cable transmission protected under the provisions of Article 1332 of the present Code; in the other cases envisaged by international treaties of the Russian Federation.


Our adress:
IPPro ltd.
17 Lobachika str.,
Office 610,
P.O. box 27,
Moscow, Russia, 107113
+7(495) 232-39-68
+7(495) 234-08-44

Official site

E-mail:, Skype ipprolaw


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